Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Comparing Medea And Tennessee Williams Cat On A Hot Tin...

A common theme in Euripides’ Medea and Tennessee Williams’ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is that both Medea and Maggie are to varying extents insane. For example, in Medea, the title character is driven to insanity by her love for Jason and also by her fury at being abandoned by him. This insanity leads her to murder their children together and his new wife. Similarly, in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, the two main causes of Maggie’s insanity are her love for Brick and his indifference towards her. From the beginning, Brick’s character is shown as stoic and indifferent towards her. While Maggie’s insanity never reaches the magnitude of Medea’s murderous hatred, her mood swings through the entire play. Medea shows hints of her insanity throughout her prior actions as well. We see Medea begin with the nurse giving us background information on Jason and Medea’s flight to Jason’s home Iolcus. Even before the story begins, her love for Jason has already led her to kill her brother to slow down pursuers (Medea, line 169) and trick the daughters of Pelias, Jason’s uncle and rival king, into murdering their father. (Medea, 12) Later in the play, Medea says she regrets having done this in her love for Jason, as she can now no longer return to her homeland (Medea, 508-514). This is all being revealed while the nurse is telling us that Jason had abandoned her for a new wife. The nurse is sorry for her while at the same time being fearful of what her fury might unleash. The chorus (the

Monday, December 23, 2019

Social Identity Theory And How Does It Influence Self Esteem

What is social identity theory and how does it influence self-esteem in teens? Lexie Johnson Who are you? Who am I? These philosophical questions often get brought up and debated over by most philosophers from the past and today. Teens go through this process of who am I and what is my purpose in life? To find these purposes we affiliate ourselves with different groups such as our friend groups, extracurricular activities and peer academics. I would identity myself as being a female. I’m a part of international club and I’m a cashier at the cafà ©. We identify ourselves with the groups we choose to be a part of. Being a part of these groups help us feel like we belong and that we have some sort of place in this big world. Since most people go through this identity issue, researches have researched how we identify ourselves socially. They came up with a theory called social identity theory. In order to understand where social identity theory derived from we first have to take a look at where social identity came from. Furthermore, when we look dee per into social Identity we can see that social identify came from the idea of group identification we means the group that we associate ourselves with. Group identification is used often used interchangeably with social identity so in most cases they mean the same thing (Ashforth Mael, 1989). There are a lot key words to keep in mind when learning about what social identity theory is. Though it is highly correlated withShow MoreRelatedNotes On Social Identity Theory1191 Words   |  5 PagesContextualizing BIRG: Social Identity Theory SIT (Tajfel et al., 1971; Tajfel Turner, 1979) has been explained briefly in the Introduction, which provided an overview on the nature of its construction (Galang et al., 2015) and its implications on ingroup inclusion, intergroup behavior, and self-esteem (Brewer Yuki, 2007). This theory is further discussed here, particularly its conception of group identification and esteem, to give context to BIRG and the framework of analysis that will be usedRead MoreRole Of Identity Of Volunteer, And Well Being Among Volunteers1404 Words   |  6 Pages0936622 Arisa Sugawara 1. Specify the title, author, and citation [6] Title: Role-Identity Salience, Purpose and Meaning in Life, and Well-Being among Volunteers Author: Peggy A. Thoits Year: 11 October 2012 Pages: 360-384 Published by SAGE http://www.sagepublications.com What is the research problem (what issue is addressed)? [6] Many kinds of roles give the better mental and physical well-being and also it will provide a sense of purpose and meaning in life. The more rolesRead MoreThe Theory Of Human Development1060 Words   |  5 PagesTheories of human development deliver a framework to deliberate human growth, development, and learning. Understanding the theories can deliver useful contents into individuals and society a set of principles and concepts that describe life span development. Development perspectives are the psychoanalytic theory, behavior theory, humanistic approach and cognitive theory. Each theory focuses on different aspects of human development. The psychoanalytic is â€Å"the approach stating that behavior is motivatedRead MoreAdolescence Development : The Growth Of A Child Occurs After Childhood995 Words   |  4 Pagesmost crucial times in an adolescent life. They experience serious changes such as physical, sexual maturation, social and economic independence, development of id entity and the skills needed to have adult relationships and roles during this time. While this period is a time of tremendous growth and development, it is also a time of risk during which social environments apply powerful influences. Adolescents depend on their families, communities, schools, and their friends to learn a wide range of importantRead MoreHow Does Self Discrepancy Of Media Influenced Body Image Affect Adolescents Self Esteem?1235 Words   |  5 PagesSection A: Project Details Title: How does self-discrepancy of media-influenced body image affect adolescents’ self-esteem? Abstract: Research has shown that exposure to thin-ideal media is related to body dissatisfaction. Consequently, the accumulated dissatisfying emotions regarding one’s body can evolve into distorted body perception. Such disturbed body image has been evident as associated with low self-esteem. Nonetheless, little research has sought to elucidate the rationales for these perplexedRead MoreThe Journey Of One s Life Begins And Ends With The Self s Pursuit Of Personal Identity884 Words   |  4 Pagespersonal identity, to answer the question â€Å"Who Am I†. The self attempts to sustain a stable association with its varying selves and the external world by constructing identities that are identified and explained through the roles, social comparisons, successes and failures, and judgments of others in one’s external environment. The self is highly focused on itself, how it presents its self to others, and the impressions it makes upon them. The interaction between s elf-concept, self-esteem, self-efficiencyRead MoreMaternal Role : Becoming A Mother1743 Words   |  7 Pagesinfluential theorist; whose middle range theory has been implemented in nursing more focused on maternity and child. (Masters, 2015 p.284) Keeping in mind that this is a middle range theory it maintains the variables to a minimum and its application to the real world allows its concept to be tested. This theory emphasizes on the interaction and evolving process of a mother and her new infant and the role they take on as a caregiver. (p.284) Use of this theory, the nurse, has insight of the phases theRead MoreThe Theory Of Human Development Theory1642 Words   |  7 PagesHuman development theories are theories intended to account for how and why people become, as they are. These theories provide the framework to clarify and organize existing observations and to try to explain and predict human behavior. It is important to recognize the complexity of human development and th e theories that explain human development. (Berger, pg. 23). The three theories that have influenced by development are Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Theory, Abraham Maslow’s Humanism and Erik Erikson’sRead MoreConsumers as Individuals – the Self1498 Words   |  6 PagesINDIVIDUALS – THE SELF Self-concept The self-concept refers to the beliefs a person holds about their attributes, and how they evaluate these qualities. Components of the self-concept It is composed of many attributes, some of which are given greater emphasis when the overall self is being evaluated. Attributes of self-concept can be described along such dimensions as their content (for example, facial attractiveness vs. mental aptitude), positivity or negativity (i.e. self-esteem), intensityRead MoreAdolescence : A Social And Cultural Construct1639 Words   |  7 PagesAdolescence is both a social and cultural construct as well as biological one, it is the developmental period where one transition from being a child to adult and face biological, psychological, and social challenges. This challenging, and important time in between childhood and adulthood has caused a lot of interest in the psychological field and a number of theories have been developed in order to try and explain the different stages of development. One of the most significant models of psychosocial

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Biggest Issues Facing Managers Free Essays

Alando Ford MGT521/Management Jim Holst October 25, 2009 Retention One of the most pressing challenges facing today’s managers is keeping their best people. In today’s economy companies separate themselves by the talented people they recruit. Some ways companies can improve their retention rate are obvious. We will write a custom essay sample on Biggest Issues Facing Managers or any similar topic only for you Order Now One way companies can cut turnover is by qualifying the personnel they are hiring and carefully analyzing what the different roles in their organization are. Next they must make a realistic decision regarding what skills and abilities are required to fill this role. Recent research has proven that there is a direct link between training and employee retention. Employees involved in ongoing training feel that their employer is interested in them doing a good job, and the employer cares enough about them to make an investment in their development. â€Å"Training can also be the means for positive change in any organization; however, training is not enough to create lasting change without a vital link that will help employees transfer what they learned into real-life application. That vital link is a strong coaching program. Coaching comprise the following features which needs to be articulated in the best manner in order to get one hundred percent from the employees†. (Mirsha, Remedies for the biggest challenges in business today, pg. 1 para. 3). Strategy and cost effective business models â€Å"Personally I believe that the most difficult task is finding a positive cash flow business model. It isn’t that difficult to source good products, and customers will appear if sufficient money is spent on advertising or other promotion. This is all pointless if the cost exceeds the revenue from all of this, i. e. he net assets of a business fall to zero, and the business ceases to operate†. (Mark McIlroy-Director, Blue Sky Technology) With the economy in a crisis and unemployment at staggering rates, businesses of all types are feeling the crunch. Companies must continue to focus on customer service. This practice will help retain their existing client base, while allowing them to make a posi tive impression on new customers. In the flow of business, people are the most important element no matter the product or service. Creating partnerships reduce costs and increase referral rates when companies align themselves. Even the most pessimistic of economists today are saying that the actual numbers in the current recessions are a reduction in gross domestic product (GDP) by two percent annually and just through 2009, and yet most businesses talk and act if business is off thirty percent. (Johnese, 2009, Today’s Business Professional) So, the number one challenge is to realize that it might be harder to do business right now, but there’s more business to be done, market share to be gained, while the other guy sits around or slows down waiting for things to improve. † (Stephen Kann- CEO at Policy Settlement Associates, Inc. Conclusion By understanding the factors that drive business in today’s economy companies will be better prepared to be successful in this market. They will have to rely more on the skills and tools they have available. They will have to become more aggressive when it comes to recruiting and retaining good employees. Companies need to continue to revamp o lder processes that no longer work, by adding newer more innovative systems. Companies should understand that the challenge that lies ahead is transitioning from a service provider to a business manager. This transition will be necessary; if the primary goal of the business is to make money. Companies will be able to increase their profits while minimizing their losses. Admin (2009, February 16). Today’s Small Business Challenges. Retrieved from http://www. babeofbusiness. com Johnese, Daniel (2007). Today’s Business Professional. Retrieved from http://www. jobbankusa. com Mishra, Sonika(2008,October 13). Employee Retention- Remedies for the Biggest Challenge in Business Today. Retrieved from http://www. articlesbase. com How to cite Biggest Issues Facing Managers, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Observation Essay Example For Students

Observation Essay One afternoon I was sitting at a study table at the library quietly working on my Survey of World Religion homework. All of a sudden another college student slammed his books on to the table. After he placed his books loudly upon the table, he threw down his book bag on to the floor next to the chair. I glanced up at him with a look of disturbance upon my face. He left as quickly as he came, just to return again. I continued working on my homework until he blessed me with his prescent. The very first thing I noticed about the adolescent was his hat that sat on his head. There was a considerably large Nike symbol on the front of the pale green baseball cap. The coat that he wore was a vivid color of red and a bright yellow with blue trim. His very fluffy coat appeared to be well stuffed. After the brightly tri-colored coat was off, I noticed a hung colossal gold chain around his neck that swung to the left and the right. On his chain was a gold charm that was considerable large for a normal person. It appeared to me that the charm was an oversized dollar bill symbol. The necklace and the charm made a clanging noise every time he moved. The oversized purple fleece shirt that he was wearing looked very warm. The fleece had the word Tommy written extremely large in white bold print across the front of his purple colored fleece shirt and looked worn and tattered. The jeans that he decided to wear that day were also too large for him. The jeans that this college boy wore looked like both of his legs could have fit in just one of the jeans sleeves. Every thing that this boy put on his body seemed to me to be entirely large for his body size, which made him look a little on the goofy side. His physical characteristics reminded me of a high school junior. The student was approximately five foot nine inches tall and looked like he weighs almost two hundred pounds. He didnt look too thin, or too heavy. His hands were big and all of his fingernails were bitten down. His hair color was a golden blond with white highlights. His hair was very straight and hung right below his ears. His ears that stuck out from his baseball cap were too large for his head. It almost appears like he could take off in flight with his large ears. His eye color was a real pretty, bright blue. He also had long eyelashes and a blond una-brow that went across his forehead. His face was covered with little blond hairs that sporadically grew wherever they wanted. He had a very nice complexion without a blemish. His skin tone was very fair with a few freckles here and there. He had a very attractive smile. The behavior of this college student seemed to be a bit on the childish side. When he left the study table, he started to pace and stomp around the library looking for books. When he finally found the library books that he needed, he slammed them down on the table. When he pulled out the chair from under the table, he slapped his weight down upon the poor chair. When he was paging his way though one of the library books, I could feel the gentle breeze hitting my face. When he couldnt find what he was looking for in the first book, he sighed and slammed the book shut. He started glimpsing through the second book. The second book that he opened he didnt treat much differently. The Billion Dollar Man: Bill Gates Essay While the president was talking to the group, she used interaction cues by pointing to other members and telling them when to talk. She was doing the same towards the vice-president. The vice-president is always late or never shows up for the meeting. I think she could also be a social loafer because she did not talk much at the meeting and she just sat there listening to .