Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Gender and the Nature of Enquiry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Gender and the Nature of Enquiry - Essay Example In this study, two pieces of research into issues in education are used to compare and contrast the approaches used in terms of establishment of a theoretical basis. Backgrounds on the Studies The first study is by Philips (2002, pp. 409-414) who investigated the underrepresentation of women in the engineering profession in the UK. The study identifies the imagery and cultural stereotyping affecting the educational decisions and choices made by girls and young women as being responsible for the issue. The researcher embeds his study in the social construction of gender as her theoretical framework and argues that domination of engineering practice by men results in the field becoming masculine out of societal perceptions. Citing criticism of positivist approaches to social research, the researcher uses a qualitative approach, undertaking an interview-based methodology to achieve inter-objective understanding. The study sampled 15 participants drawn from female engineers already train ing and working in the UK. The second study is by Archer, Halsall and Hollingworth (2007, pp. 165-180) investigating the disengagement from education of inner-city, ethnically diverse working class girls due to their construction of hetero-femininities. The researchers are of the opinion that construction of identity and values based on heterosexual femininities by girls contributes to their disengagement from education and schooling, and address the paradoxes that arise when such hetero-feminist constructions spill over to oppressive power relations. The study itself was qualitative, involving in-depth interviews, focus groups and some photo diaries. It sampled young people across 6 urban London secondary schools aged between 14 and 16. The interviews were undertaken 3-4 times in two years and involved interviews with the staff. Theoretical Frameworks of the Studies Gerring (2001, pp. 8-9) discusses the absolute importance of basing social research on sound theoretical frameworks. Social research without these bases is inconceivable as they provide the guidelines used by scholars to define and refine their studies. They specify interconnected questions and hypotheses that then guide the researcher in establishing his/her study. Philips (2002, p. 410) selects social construction of gender over feminist theories such as standpoint perspective in explaining that the predominance of males in the engineering profession as a main contributory factor to under-representation of females in engineering education and practice. A self perpetuating stereotypical perception is created among people that engineering is a masculine field due to the prominence of men in the engineering practice. The masculine orientation of the field and thus education is maintained by these prevailing social and sexual stereotypes, and confirm the views that science and technology are an essential aspect of masculinity in the modern day. Basing on this theoretical context, the under-represent ation of women in the engineering education is explained by the perceptions of young women that engineering is a masculine field and thus they chose not to study it. It is thus important to break the perception if at all gender balance is to be achieved in the engineering education and practice. In contrast, Archer, Halsall and Hollingworth (2007, p. 167) underpin their study on two

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Day I was Released from Jail Essay Example for Free

The Day I was Released from Jail Essay March 2nd of 2011 in Charlotte NC I just receive 2 phone calls. The first one was from my lawyer in Morganton notifying me that several indictments had come through. The other was from Detective South of the Burke County Sheriff’s Office, telling me that I had no choice but to turn myself in. I remember him saying â€Å"If you run I will find you†. I thought about running from my troubles, but that isn’t a life that I wanted. The next day I took the long drive from Charlotte NC to Morganton NC knowing that I was going to jail for a long time. I turn myself in at the Magistrates office thinking that I will be showed some leniency, after all I was only 18 years old and it was the first time I had been in trouble. I thought wrong, I was given copies of my indictments and arrest warrants, given a 23,000 dollar bond and placed in Jail. I cried like I have never cried before, after all I was only a teenager going to jail with grown men. The date is May 3rd of 2011, in Morganton North Carolina. I had just finished serving 61 days for multiple breaking and entering charges. The dreaded court date has arrived and I am scared to death. Breakfast trays came along, I was hungry but I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold anything down. After breakfast trays were picked up my name was called for court. I was taken out of my cell and put into handcuffs and leg cuffs along with a chain attached to the waist I was dressed in the customary Burke County black and white inmate uniform. This was the moment where I felt all alone in the world. My mom and dad weren’t going to be there every step of the way telling me it was going to be okay. I was 18 years old; in the eyes of the law you’re a grown man and will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Fear and anxiety were my biggest emotions. We were led to the top of the stairs where our court proceedings would take place. The judge was in no hurry to see me, I waited for an hour alone with nobody to talk to or comfort me. Another hour passed in shackles; finally the holding cell door opened and a deputy said â€Å"Campbell court. † Walking up the hallway that leads to the courtroom felt forever, my emotions were taking over. My teeth were chattering, cold shakes, and the fear of the unknown was getting the best of me. As I shuffled into the court I felt everybody’s eyes on me. The judge was seated glowering at me. He then proceeded to ask the D. A what my charges were, as the D. A was reading my charges I felt paralyzed, I was only 18 years old and facing serious criminal charges. We then discussed the plea bargain that my lawyer, D. A and I all agreed upon. I remember not even reading the plea just thanking God that I was getting out of this hell hole. After the plea was signed and all parties were satisfied, my lawyer looked at me and said â€Å"Mr. Campbell I wish you the best of luck, and hopefully you have learned your lesson. † I remember being grateful that he shook my hand and wished me â€Å"good luck†. I guess because he was the only one who stood by me this whole time. May 3rd 2011 is my release date; it’s a date that I will always remember. After waiting in shackles for another hour I was released from Burke County jail. I had one phone call to make, I called my mom and told her I was released and needed a ride. The jailers wished me the best of luck and opened the front door to freedom. It’s amazing how your sensitive your eyesight is after two months in County Jail. The sun and the sky was never something that I appreciated when I was younger, but when I walked through that doorway and felt the wind blow my face I remember feeling nothing but gratitude. It was spring time so the grass was green, leaves were starting to grow back and the sun was out in full force! After getting my eyes adjusted to the sun, I was waiting for my mom to pick me up. As I was waiting I recollected what I had just been through and what could have happened if the judge hadn’t accepted my plea. I had to go next door to the courthouse and check in with the Probation Office. After I checked in I was given a Probation Officer (Clarence Davis). He explained the guidelines of probation and what he expected of me. We discussed the conditions of my release, fines, and drug classes that I would have to take. I had 48 hours of community service, some seriously big fines and a drug assessment. I didn’t care what I had to do as long as I was out of jail. Sitting in his office I was looking at his walls and certificates, thinking I wonder how hard he’s going to be on me and what can I slide by him? Mr. Davis was and still is a good man; I have shared my thoughts and feelings with him without holding back. He was a great person who helped me in any way that he legally could. He would later retire and be replaced by Robb Williams, but then Robb would shortly be replaced by Trisha Plaster. Walking out of the Probation Office I called my mom again and waited for her to come pick me up. I could have spotted her car a mile away in traffic. I was never so happy to see that 09 Pontiac Grand Am. I knew she would take me home and tell me everything would be okay, getting out of jail I needed that family support. I am very grateful for my parents and how they still loved me unconditionally even after everything I had put them through. She pulled up and we had a tearful reunion in the Court House parking lot. She bombards me with question after question. Some things I told her and some things I wanted to keep to myself. After getting the reunion over she asked me where I wanted to go eat. I already knew where I wanted to go, I wanted to go home. I didn’t care about eating I just wanted to sleep in my old bed and enjoy the comforts of home. To be able to take a hot shower anytime of the day and not having to wear shoes in the shower were things I had forgotten. When we arrived at the house I took a shower and talked to my dad. All the emotions and tears that I was holding in during that day were released on his shoulders. After we talked for a while I went to sleep thinking of what I would do the next day. I had no job and no car. I was basically starting from scratch; friends and family had deserted me. I went through a really depressive time, feeling sorry for myself and blaming others for the trouble I had been in, when really I had nobody to blame but myself and the decisions I had made. I felt like I had nobody to talk to. It took a really long time for me to get out of my depressive state of mind. I started hanging out with people in my past that I shouldn’t have been. Socializing with these people lead me to Marijuana, with that I was introduced to Roxy’s, Molly’s (Ecstasy) and Liquor. I loved partying and â€Å"living it up† yet at the end of the day I was still left with that feeling of emptiness. I lost track of what I needed to be doing to straighten my life out and was headed back where I came from. I remember deceiving my probation officer, I would go in he would ask me how I was doing. Of course I would lie to him and tell him everything is great, knowing that I had just smoked the week before. I had him and other people fooled, or so I thought. My parents had gotten with their pastor and he had contacted a few people to intervene in my lifestyle. I remember feeling so guilty and ashamed that I couldn’t stand it. I wanted to be the perfect kid who my parents could say â€Å"yeah that’s my son† and not be ashamed about it. Thankfully I was introduced to the youth pastor, he basically saved my life. After talking with him for a couple months I started my recovery process. To start my recovery I had to accept who I was and where I had been. No more feeling sorry for myself, it was time to do something about it. I regularly attended AA and NA meetings and met people whose life story matched mine. I got a sponsor and was starting to feel better about myself and others around me. After my mind set was changed and I started to see things in a different light I started to look for a job. I looked everywhere and found nothing. This time I didn’t get depressed, I came to realize that not everything is going to be easy. Finally I got a call from Case Farms wanting me to come to work for them. I worked there for 20 months, long enough to get a nice car and move out of my parents’ house. A week after I moved out my roommate got busted with 3 ounces of pot and a pill bottle of Opana 40’s. I remember my mom telling me to come back and live with them that I was headed back into trouble. Unfortunately I wasn’t ready for the freedom of living with roommates. I thought I knew everything, that I could only drink or smoke just a little bit, a pill here and there wouldn’t hurt anything. Every week was a party with drugs and alcohol. With the partying came the trouble, I was locked up again. I lost my car, home, and job. Usually I would throw a pity party, but that’s not going to help. Today I have College, True Friends and my Sobriety. I couldn’t and wouldn’t put a price on any of these. Today I am TRULY happy.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Theme of loneliness and rejection

Theme of loneliness and rejection The Consequences of Societys Rejection in Frankenstein by Marry Shelley Frankenstein is Marry Shelleys masterpiece, written when she was only 18 years old. The novel explores of theme of loneliness and rejection. The monster created by Victor Frankenstein is rejected by human society because of his appearance. Mary Shelley explores the feelings of creature totally ignored and abused by the society. The novel became a reflection of the inner state of Mary Shelly. It reflects sufferings and looses of the author. As notes Anthony Badalamenti in his article Why did Mary Shelley Write Frankenstein: : â€Å"She was also the product of her own past, suffering three successive losses in her early life that reveal why themes of being alone and abandoned run through the novel†(Badalamenti, 431). All these sad events and constant feeling of loneliness helped Mary to create a very deep and powerful character. Victor does not think about possible results of his experiments. He does not think what will happen when he finally succeeds and created a living creature. He is severely punished by his attitude when the creature created by him turns to monster. The author illustrates that the guilt for murders can not be put only on Frankensteins creation. Society and social norms finally result in feeling of loneliness and estrangement. â€Å"The monster complains that his maker and mankind are moving his nature from goodness and benevolence to wrath and violence. He attempts the company of men and is rejected with horror, fear and abuse† (Badalamenti, 432). Victor Frankenstein is driven by his ambition when he creates his monster. He does not think about the consequences but rather makes experiments: â€Å"One of the phenomena which had peculiarly attracted my attention was the structure of the human frame, and, indeed, any animal endued with life† (Shelley, 46). Victor does not think about the feelings of the creature he produces. He is concerned only with scientific tools which give him control and power. â€Å"Frankenstein so beautifully explores the consequences of living and working in isolation. After cloistering himself to bring dead flesh to life, Victor Frankenstein condemns his creature to loneliness. The creature does the same to him in revenge. Solitude makes monsters of both† (Thomas). Victor creates a monster but he doest not understand true meaning of his actions. Loneliness and alienation is one of the main themes of the novel. It is notable that all main characters of the novel experience feelings of loneliness and alienation. The Monster, Victor and Walton experience these feelings. Victor Frankenstein, does not have good relations with his family. He does not keep in touch with his father and sister despite they really want to have good relations with him. The author describes in great detail good relations in Victors family and their desire to keep in touch with Victor. Despite this fact Victor does not make any attempt to support any relations with his family. He dedicates all time and effort to science but it does not bring him enough moral satisfaction. Victor can not find the way out for his negative feelings and uses since and experiment as a way to entertain himself and to get rid of loneliness. The author uses the old theme of Faust when the search for technical progress and scientific advances results in the loss of humanity. Vict or does not possess feeling of love and compassion. The Monster notes for several times that he wants to find these feelings in his creator but constantly fails. He compares himself to other people who deserve love and understanding of God, who created them, and states that his creator has abandoned him: â€Å"Sometimes I allowed my thoughts, unchecked by reason, to ramble in the fields of Paradise, and dared to fancy amiable and lovely creatures sympathizing with my feelings and cheering my gloom; their angelic countenances breathed smiles of consolation. But it was all a dream; no Eve soothed my sorrows nor shared my thoughts; I was alone. I remembered Adams supplication to his Creator. But where was mine? He had abandoned me, andin the bitterness of my heart I cursed him†. (Shelley, 111) Sad irony that the monster is not deprived of human feelings in contrast to his creator. The monster feels loneliness and alienation. It seeks for understanding and love but can not find a living creature which would share its feelings. Physical appearance becomes the main barrier for the creature. It does not allow it to build normal relations in the society. People do not make any attempts to find out about the inner world of the Monster after they saw how it looks. The creature readers works by Goethe and Milton and feels even more lonely and frustrated. The more it finds out about the world around, the more it hates it. â€Å"Cursed, cursed creator! Why did I live? Why, in that instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence which you had so wantonly bestowed? I know not; despair had not yet taken possession of me; my feelings were those of rage and revenge. I could with pleasure have destroyed the cottage and its inhabitantsand have glutted myself with their shrieks and misery.† (Shelley, 98). Feeling of alienation and loneliness only grows with the flow of time. Victor, the creator, turns off from the thing he has created He doest not want to take response for his actions and he rejects the thought that the creature may feel pain and other negative emotions same like other people do. Victor can not come in terms with his emotional side. He dies alone and looses all his dear people. The theme of social rejection is one of the main themes of the novel. The author shows the consequences of social opinion. The creature created by Victor turns to monster because it can not find understanding and compassion in the society. People do not give the creature any chances only because it looks terrible to them. In her novel, Mary made an attempt to express her own frustration and to turn attention of people to the theme of social deprivation and rejection. She was recording instead her reflections and feelingsher grief, her loneliness, her thoughts of the future, her wish to die (Nitchie, 49). Mary knows what she write about since she had to pass many personal hardships and looses. She wants her readers to understand the feelings of creature which knows no compassion or understanding. The monster was created by Victor only physically. In reality it was crated by the society. Indifferent attitude and disgust finally resulted in the birth of real monster which threatens its creator and society. Works Cited Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus. New York: Doubleday, 1999. Badalamenti F. Anthony, Why did Mary Shelley Write Frankenstein? Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 45, No. 3 (Fall, 2006), pp. 419-439, Vincent, Patrick, Mary Shelleys Fictions: From â€Å"Frankenstein† to â€Å"Falkner.† Studies in Romanticism, 01-01-2003 Thomas, Louisa, Their Love Is Alive, Newsweek, 09-14-2009 Nitchie, Elizabeth, Mary Shelley: Author of â€Å"Frankenstein† Greenwood Press, 1970. Frankenstein: Creation as Catastrophe Paul Sherwin PMLA, Vol. 96, No. 5 (Oct., 1981), pp. 883-903 Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, and the Spectacle of Masculinity Bette London PMLA, Vol. 108, No. 2 (Mar., 1993), pp. 253-267 Published by: Modern Language Association

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Womans World Essay -- Feminism Equality Essays

A Woman's World There is a great distance present between woman in education and woman in society. Women in society, specifically the work place, do not reflect the portrayal of women in education. There is a thin line present between the identity of woman and what characteristics are needed to succeed in the work environment. Woman are capable of obtaining the characteristics that lead to success however, many may question where, when and how these traits are taught to women. In " What Does a Woman Need to Know? b Andriene Rich states that woman may need to look farther than what lessons are provided in standard education in order to achieve success in the working environment. " There is no women's college today which is providing young women with the education they need for survival as whole persons in a world today which denies woman wholeness."pg.65 It is a challenge for woman to express their womanly traits in a work place that where these specific characteristics are dined the opportunity for success. Women in education, women in work force, and the relationship between them repeatedly continue to teach women the lessons of survival are not provided in society, and need to come from within. I am presently a preschool teacher. In our school there is a library filled with children's books. Throughout each story I read to these three and four year old children I notice that there is a common message instilled within each story. This message includes a very specific idea of women and the roles in which one is expected to portray. These roles describe woman as a mother or child who is submissive, quit, non-confrontational and usually facing a dilemma that requires help from a male figure. Children are subjected to listen... she is up against and can then begin to learn what tools are necessary in order to over come it. As a teacher I can shamefully say that this is the first time I have ever questioned myself as to the role I play in this situation. I now ask myself what can I do as an educator to better prepare the children? I am now aware of the influence I have, and have already begun to make changes in my own curriculum. It is now a goal of my own to deliver an education to students that accurately relates to the realities of society. Through my own experience's I have learned my own survival techniques and skills needed to achieve success and as a teacher I hope to share this with my students. Work Cited Rich, Adrienne. "What Does a Woman Need to Know?" The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewics. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin's, 2000, 65-70. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

NTUC Management Restructuring

NTUC Chief Lim Boon Heng has urged the management of companies undergoing restructuring to take union leaders into confidence, so that the legitimate concerns of workers can be addressed in good time. Citing the restructuring of the Public Utilities Board as an example, he said the exercise was carried out smoothly because of the close cooperation between the management and the union. Speaking at the first triennial delegates conference of the Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE), Mr Lim said that companies responded to challenges in various ways – some through restructuring to meet new market demands, and others through mergers. For wokers, these changes can be unsettling, and restructuring sometimes leads to retrenchments. But in the case of Singapore Power's restructuring, the NTUC Chief noted that the PUB management had taken the company's union leaders into confidence even before the news was made public; it showed that openess between management and union was the better policy. â€Å"When management are open with the union leaders, the legitimate concerns of workers can be addressed, leading to a smooth transition,† Mr Lim said. Unfortunately for us, there are many management that adopt a different approach, informing the union only at the last moment, giving union leaders little time to respond and no time to address workers concerns. † Mr Lim also announced that the union's present general secretary, Nithinandhan, would now become its executive secretary, so that he could represent workers from all unions formed under Singapore Power or its subsidiary companies. We made some changes to our constitution handing the powers to the executive secretary to deal with all collective agreements, and to negotiate on behalf of major grievances with management and be the main person corresponding with all employers and external agencies and work out policies for all branches on industrial relations,† Mr Nithinandhan said. He said the union's relations with the management had been excellent and plans were underway for joint committees on training and workplace environment to better look into the needs of workers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Online Style Guides

Online Style Guides Online Style Guides Online Style Guides By Maeve Maddox Russell from Cape Town writes: As a rank novice to the world of writing, and one purely for work purposes not for literature, I was wondering where you gain access to so many style guides. Can you suggest some free guides to download? The two most frequently cited American style guides are the Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law and the Chicago Manual of Style. Both have online editions, but they are not free. Individual annual subscription rates: AP Stylebook $25; CMOS $30. The current Amazon price for the print edition of the 2009 AP Stylebook is $11.37. I paid $18.95 for my copy earlier this year. The AP book is very easy to navigate so I don’t see any advantage to subscribing online. The usual price for the print edition of the Chicago Manual of Style is $55. Amazon has it for $33.65 at the moment. For me the search feature of the online edition is worth the $30 subscription fee. For our readers who use British English, the BBC has a free downloadable PDF: The BBC News Styleguide. Another British online freebie is the Guardian, Observer and Style Guide. A free nonacademic online American style guide is the National Geographic Style Manual. An old edition of Strunk and White’s Elements of Style is available free at Be aware that changes have been made in more recent editions. In addition to the AP Stylebook and the CMOS, I sometimes refer to the free Purdue writing lab known as OWL, but I don’t seem to be able to find things there as easily as I do in CMOS. OWL is probably the most comprehensive university guide out there, but many other universities offer style guides based on AP and CMOS, Many of these are available as downloadable PDFs. Most rely heavily on the AP Stylebook and Chicago Manual of Style. Here are a few: U of Alaska Style Guide: based on AP Stylebook and Webster’s New World College Dictionary. University of Buffalo Marketing Toolbox: apparently oriented towards business writing U of Colorado at Boulder Style Guide: intended as a general guide for print and electronic media, but not as a replacement for more specialized guides. Gustavus Adolphus College:an eclectic guide based on the AP Stylebook, Webster’s New World College Dictionary, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, and the Chicago Manual of Style. Ithaca College Office of Marketing Communications: downloadable Editorial Standards University of Kentucky Style Guide: downloadable PDF â€Å"conforms largely to the Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual, but it contains exceptions to both AP style manual and The Chicago Manual of Style.† Lafayette College Style Guide: links in convenient outline form Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative ConflictList of 50 Great Word Games for Kids and AdultsIf I Was vs. If I Were

Monday, October 21, 2019

Critically assess the contribution of a Wilhelm Wundt to the development of experimental psychology The WritePass Journal

Critically assess the contribution of a Wilhelm Wundt to the development of experimental psychology Introduction Critically assess the contribution of a Wilhelm Wundt to the development of experimental psychology IntroductionReferencesRelated Introduction Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) was born in a village called Neckarau, situated in Baden. In 1858, Wundt became Helmholtz assistant and took an interest into creating experimental psychology (cited in: Robinson and Rieber, 2001). In 1861, Wundt conducted an experiment to test how his attention was affected during the time a pendulum swung and a bell was rung. He found that his attention was separate for the sound of the bell and where the pendulum swung. He concluded that people are unable to focus on two thoughts at the same time and can only concentrate on one thought at a time, taking roughly 0.1 seconds to change from each thought (cited in: Hergenhahn, 2009) In 1862, he published a book called contributions toward a theory of sense perception. This book focused heavily on Wundt explaining there was a gap for experimental psychology and therefore he focused on the creation of experimental psychology (Henley and Thorne, 2004). In 1879, Wundt developed experimental psychology and many topics based on this new psychology. He also opened the first experimental psychology laboratory in Leipzig. Wundt recognised experimental psychology as a science. His two goals for experimental psychology were; to explore how the law joined complex mental experiences with mental elements and to explore the various aspects of thought (cited in: Hergenhahn, 2009). His laboratory were based on three areas, these were; ‘mental chronometry’, ‘time sense’ studies and psychophysics (Pickren and Rutherford, 2010). Some experiments were based on; attention, reaction times, feelings, sensations and perceptions (Freedheim, 2003). Wundt used introspection as a technique for gathering data. However, he did not use this technique in the same way as others such as; Descartes (1637). He adopted an experimental introspection that enabled him to gather more accurate data for internal perception. Though, he did believe that introspection could only be used for the fundamental processes of mind and not the complex mental processes (Hergenhahn, 2009). Wundt split consciousness into feelings and sensations. From using his own internal perception by using a metronome (a time keeper for music), he proposed the tri-dimensional theory of feeling .The three dimensions were; pleasantness-unpleasantness, excitement-calm and strain-relaxation (Sharma and Sharma, 2006). Wundt described attention as the sensory impression (apperception). He believed apperception was directed by the individual, whereas perception was involuntary. He suggested that an individual could control their attention, he called this voluntarism. He proposed that an individual could reorganize and organize these aspects of attention using their control; he named this creative synthesis (Hergenhahn, 2009). Cattell (1883) Wundt’s first student conducted an experiment based on apperception and found that apperception took place during individual letters rather than whole words for unknown words in a recall experiment (Henley and Thorne, 2004). Another one of Wundt student’s Kraepelin (1856-1926) conducted an experiment based on schizophrenia patients and the attention theory. He found that people that suffer from schizophrenia struggled with the basic control process and have severe attention focusing (Henley and Thorne, 2004). Wundt altered the Helmholtz and Donders method of mental chronometry, this in turn created reaction time studies. Reaction time studies allowed him to identify the time it took to respond to sensory stimulus (Bechtel and Graham, 1999). Wundt used the subtraction method when carrying out his reaction time studies; this method was based on Donders experiment. Cattell (1883) carried out an experiment based on letters and words that required the participants to name the words vocally. The findings suggested that the participants took roughly the same time to name both stimulus (the words and letters). He believed that people generally recognised words as a whole rather than letters separately (Henley and Thorne, 2004). During the 1900 and 1920’s Wundt published Volkerpsychologie’ (ten volumes), it was also known as social psychology. He believed that experimental techniques were good at investigating basic processes such as; perception and sensation. However, the technique was not as useful for high mental processes such as; problem-solving. He proposed that high mental processes could be investigated by Volkerpsychologie and language; this was one of the volumes (Sheehy, 2004). The positive aspects of Wundt’s contribution to experimental psychology were; he was the first to open the first experimental psychology laboratory in Leipzig this enabled others to gain an insight into experimental psychology. He also recognized psychology as a science. He also proposed many theories that set the foundations for many others to build on, such as; Cattell, Scripture (1864-1945) and Titchener (Henley and Thorne, 2004). Although Wundt proposed some great contributions to experimental psychology, he was criticised for some of them. Some criticisms involved the Volkerpsychologie as many people such as; Jahoda (1997) struggled to understand the ten volumes as the majority of it was not translated and as a result of this some of Wundt’s ideas were misinterpreted. Also many of the studies Wundt used were viewed as outdated or old-fashion (Henley and Thorne, 2004). Critics also believed that there was no solid evidence proposing that sensations and feelings existed like an object (Singh, 1991). Critics also believed that Wundt didn’t put a lot of effort into making his experimental work more accurate. (Robinson and Rieber, 2001). Titchener, one of Wundt’s students criticised Wundt’s methodology as he felt Wundt confused others by mixing introspective psychology and experimental psychology (Nitta and Tatematsu, 1979). Critics also found that the introspection method seemed to obtain different results each time this method was used in different laboratories. Boring (1953) found that many results obtained from various different laboratories using introspection all had different results. This shows that in some ways introspection can be unreliable (Singh, 1991). Another criticism was people felt that some studies were unable to obtain results using the method of introspection. For example; unconscious influences would not be able to use introspection (Singh, 1991). Wundt’s contribution to experimental psychology was very significant as he was viewed as the ‘father of experimental psychology’ (Singh, 1991). He introduced psychology as a science and set the foundations for experimental psychology. This enabled others to build on his foundations and introduce new theories such as; Edward Titchener. However, many people including some of his students have criticised some of his contributions for a number of reasons. References Bechtel, W., Graham, G. (1999). A companion to cognitive science. USA: Blackwell Publishing. Freedheim, D. (2003). Handbook of psychology: Volume 1 history of psychology.   New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. Henley, T.B. Thorne, B.M. (2004). Connections in the history and systems of psychology. (3rd edition).Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Company. Hergenhahn, B. R. (2009). An introduction to the history of psychology. (6th edition). USA: Cengage Learning. Nitta, Y., Tatematsu, H. (1979). Analecta Husserliana: The yearbook of phenomenological research.   Holland: D. Reidel publishing company. Pickren, W. E., Rutherford, A. (2010). A history of modern psychology in context. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. Robinson, D. K., Rieber, R. W. (2001). PATH in psychology: Wilhelm Wundt in history: the making of a scientific psychology.   New York: Plenum Publishers. Sharma, R. N., Sharma, R. (2006). Experimental psychology. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers Distributors. Sheehy, N. (2004). Fifty key thinkers in psychology. Oxon: Routledge. Singh, A. K. (1991). The comprehensive history of psychology. (2nd edition).Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publisher.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why Do Kids Want To Play the Guitar

Why Do Kids Want To Play the Guitar Today's Youth: Playing the guitar A recent trend that seems to be prevalent in the youth of our society today is the desire to play an instrument. I am a musician and want to help explain from other's experience as well as my own why playing an instrument is so popular among teens today. My father and other friends of his generation suggest that instrument playing has always been popular, but it's popularity seems to have increased dramatically over the past 25 years. Testaments such as these compelled me to search for the answer to this increasing trend of playing an instrument.One reason, and probably the most prominent one, is the longing to live the life of the music icons that are admired. Programming, such as music videos, feeds our imaginations about the musicians' lavish lifestyle. An example of feeding our imaginations to a better lifestyle would be to examine music videos that contain live footage of concerts with a large mount of fans in attendance.English: a picture of me playing a musical instrum...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Benefits of Community involvement in Construction Literature review

Benefits of Community involvement in Construction - Literature review Example Findings from past studies on community participation have sometimes been applied in a wide range of service sections and types of settlement. It is, therefore, important obtain clarity in such findings. The following sections will look into an overview of community involvement and the findings from previous studies in relation to the effects of community involvement on construction projects and similar developments. Community Participation: An Overview A community’s conceptualization differs between projects, sectors, and regions (Memon, 2004). Typically, a community can be classified in terms of their administrative, social, and resource attributes. For example, legal communities refer to those that have been recognized by the local government, distinguishing a chain of command and arranging laws and codes in terms of political structures. The community members themselves are referred to as the social communities that signify the differentiation between the population based on social, cultural, and economic norms, such as farmers, traders, or local administrators. Finally, geographical communities can be defined by their planning terms as well as natural features and resources, recognizing communal interests (Kumar, 2005). Types of participation with which community members are actively involved in a particular activity can be classified into a number of forms. Passive participation refers to the type of involvement where in individuals who live within the project area participate by being told of future plans or current developments; other than this, they will not have any other contribution. Participation for material incentive is a type of involvement wherein individuals participate because they are paid by food or cash in exchange for their labor in a pre-determined project (Joshi and Moore, 2004). These individuals can also participate by offering a resource, including money or labor, to the set project, thus participation by resource contribution . Next, participation with consultation involves community members being consulted with their ideas and options regarding the decisions that have to be made for the project. Consequently, their views may either be accepted or rejected. People who are involved in interactive participation join external professionals to analyze the given situation; they also help develop action plans and decide for common projects. Finally, spontaneous mobilization enables community members to take their own initiatives that are not influenced by external professionals in order to contribute to the situation. As a result, self-help projects and requests for assistance to other relevant institutions may be carried out. Much of the empirical evidence with regards to the outcomes of projects in which community members are involved in have been based on the research on rural water projects (Prokopy, 2005) as well as from other public service sectors with which participation has been conceptualized as a ty pe of co-production. With this, citizens contribute their input to services which are typically and exclusively generated by public agencies. Support for community involvement has been evident in different sectors and one perceived reason for such is that social change, including the development of new habits and skills, or realizations of the service’

Friday, October 18, 2019

Compare and Contrast Two Gothic Cathedrals Assignment

Compare and Contrast Two Gothic Cathedrals - Assignment Example Monumental sculpture was the earliest art situated on the walls of Abbeys and Cathedrals. It was a style used in expressing power as its characteristics were used to express emotions (Newman, 2001). Gothic architecture has been used in many different places like the guild halls, palaces castles and town halls among others. In this research we are going to rely on the gothic in the middle-age period which is between 1350 to 1520 CE. We will mainly observe compare and contrast the Chartres gothic cathedral and Amiens cathedral- Western Faà §ade (Rudolph, 2006). They are both used as places of worship by believers (Rudolph, 2006). This means that they act as churches and the advisors among a given group during that period. This promoted religion to move widely as compared to past Era. 3. Amiens Cathedral-Western Faà §ades made from France and during that time limestone was very available thereby being used in its construction. England at that time had coarse limestone and also red sandstone which was used in its construction (Harvey, 2006). 7. They both have message as they mainly target the society. This gives an idea or religious beliefs and also information to the society and population at large. The gothic was also used in representing the universe in the microcosm and also used as a way of preaching to the public. 8. Religion is the main subject of the cathedrals. This is because they are used as a sacred place for worship. They were used for biblical teaching taking an example of the Virgin Mary’s gothic to express the kind of love to their believer. 13. Symbolism is used by the drawings on the wall representing people from the bible like the prophets of the bible. There is the example of the trinity portal which is in three parts representing God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit (Harvey, 2006). 15. The function of the gothic artwork is to attract people to the churches in order to spread

MRI (Classical theory Magnetic resonance) Essay

MRI (Classical theory Magnetic resonance) - Essay Example n electromagnetic laws a nucleus spining around its own axis with an electric charge will cause a small magnetic moment (composed of spin and charge) (Donald W et al. 2010). The rotation (spin) of the nucleus is perpendicular to the axis of the nucleus magnetic field. In short, vector (Figure 1) is used to describe the magnitude (amplitude) and the direction of the magnetic moment (Westbrook, Roth & Talbot 2005). When the atomic mass number is odd an example is Na 23. Another example is 7Li. It has seven atomic mass number 3 protons and 4 neutrons and thus will give rise to an MR signal. The spin (I) for 23Na and 7Li will be 23⠁„2 and 3/2, respectively. For example, 14N has seven protons and seven neutrons (Z=7 and A=14). The spin (I) for 14N will be However, if the atomic number and atomic mass number are even, then there is no magnetic moment and thus no MR signal (for instance, 114Cd is composed of 48 protons plus 66 neutrons, Z=48 and A=114) (BROWN & SEMELKA 1999; Donald W et al. 2010). It is important to know that the vectors of the MR active nuclei in the absence of the main magnetic field will spin randomly; thus, the random directions of the nuclei will affect the magnitude of the net magnetic moment. The probability of the net magnetic moment approaching zero is when there are many nuclei aligned in different directions If RF pulse is applied at the resonance, then the protons can absorb that energy at the quantum level, a single proton jumps to higher energy state. At the macro or classical level, to an observer in the external laboratory frame of reference, the magnetization vector spiral down towards the xy plane. Now to see the behavior of the rotating frame when a RF pulse is applied from external source ,we keep this thing in minds that pulses are often labeled by their tip angle which can be any value of angle but most of the times the 90o and 180o. The tip angle is dependent on both the magnitude of the externally applied magnetic field and

Romanesque Europe Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Romanesque Europe - Research Paper Example Huge influences which the art of the Romanesque period subsequently drew from the Byzantine art, especially in the realm of painting are notable. The infliction of the anti-classical energy inherent in the decorations of the insular art prevalent in and around British Isles developed a pattern which was highly counterfeited but interestingly creative in nature and comprehensive along with coherent in style. The term ‘Romanesque art’ was invented and the term was coined by the historians of the 19th century and was more elusively used for the Romanesque architecture which was influenced by and retained many gut features of Roman architectural style. The coinage of the term, ‘Romanesque’ has evolved neither from any political nor from any geographic entity. On the contrary, Romanesque name has been coined from its artistic style. The essay intends to examine various subtle and intricate characteristics along with patterns inherent with the art of the Romanesque Europe. The essay also intends to focus on the nature and trajectory of the Romanesque art and culture through the ages. A thorough study of the art precisely from the Romanesque Europe enables the connoisseur of art to trace the highly effective influence of the Byzantine art upon the art of the Romanesque Europe. The iconographic models of the Byzantine art started influencing the Romanesque art rapidly and found profound expression through most commonplace subjects such as paintings on the walls and roof of the churches. Keeping Christ as the omnipotent figure and central subject of painting, the different sequences from the Christ’s life like the last judgment started gaining popularity during this period. The manuscripts during the period became very colorful and new scenes from Bible started making adequate space in the paintings of the period. Moreover, the capitals of columns became more vibrant and the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

To what extent does political participation reflect a bias in favor of Essay

To what extent does political participation reflect a bias in favor of the privileged - Essay Example This is particularly reflected in political participation. Inherent Inequality Ideally, political exercise is open to all. The constitution and the collective laws of any democratic government ensure this. Here, most people are eligible to seek public office or be involved in electing people to public positions. For some communities, even those who do not know how to read and right are not excluded to participate. Unfortunately, the electoral process in democracies today is characterized by competition, wherein political participation is â€Å"circumscribed by unequal access to both resources and the decision-making process.†1 Equality would have been easier to practice in the brand of direct democracy adopted in Greece, wherein all citizens are entitled a voice in policymaking. But the circumstance today – one about political participation through representation – is radically different. The rules and dynamics of choosing representatives are no longer as straigh tforward as those in the past. Resources are needed in order to get represented and this aspect tilts the balance to those who have more than others. This is highlighted by the predomination of individuals and private enterprises in political exercises with their capability to influence all policy networks. Elitism In the United States, political representation is especially biased towards the elite. The manner in which individuals are elected, demonstrates a process wherein the privileged enjoy extreme advantage. For example, there are no laws that regulate private expenditures for partisan political purposes. The system currently treats private funding in the American elections as part of the egalitarian value of freedom to support the candidate of one’s choice. The argument is that when one restricts the use of money, it is tantamount to restricting the rights to liberty and free speech. This is demonstrated in the way candidates in the US can buy advertising airtime in th e media. Private money in this instance is translated into a very important political resource, severely disadvantaging those individuals and parties that do not have the means or cannot raise them in time. Chapman classified the privileged between the socio-economic elite and the political elite. She explained that the latter tend be dominated by the former and that in most likelihood property, income, occupation and education are those that would render people from this class more likely to enter politics.2 Another variable that underscore the bias of the current democratic political participation in the US is the conservative view on politics. This is manifested best by the American Electoral College system, wherein popular vote is disregarded in favor of certain groups and individuals. The Founding Fathers of the American Constitution were known to have noted the fickleness and selfishness of the masses and, hence, entrusted the power to elect the American President in the hands of the learned and the capable. This is rationalized, wrote Sullivan, Piereson and Marcus, by the idea that universal transformation of human nature is too much to expect and that political representation should be given only to the virtuous or the â€Å"more highly educated and more responsible segments of the public.†3 And so when Al Gore won the popular election, George W. Bush was elected

Phenomenon Assignment 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Phenomenon Assignment 2 - Research Paper Example Managing pain presents itself as a very important challenge to the critical care nurse. Statement of the Phenomenon Pain brings much discomfort to critical care patients and its alleviation is a critical element of critical care nursing. It is, therefore, important that pain is managed effectively. Effective pain management starts with pain assessment (Gelinas, Fillion, Puntillo, Viens & Fortier, 2006). Gelinas (2007) maintained that a patient’s self report is the most reliable and valid measure for identifying pain. Critical care health professionals, however, face the greatest challenge when a patient in the critical care unit is unconscious because of trauma or is unable to talk or move because of the severity of the illness. The phenomenon, therefore, is pain assessment for critically ill patients who are unable to orally communicate, provide a self-report of the pain they are experiencing, or are unable to move and interact with the hospital staff even with just gestures or nods. Pain and Unconsciousness Personally, this author has always wondered if unconscious patients experience physical pain.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Romanesque Europe Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Romanesque Europe - Research Paper Example Huge influences which the art of the Romanesque period subsequently drew from the Byzantine art, especially in the realm of painting are notable. The infliction of the anti-classical energy inherent in the decorations of the insular art prevalent in and around British Isles developed a pattern which was highly counterfeited but interestingly creative in nature and comprehensive along with coherent in style. The term ‘Romanesque art’ was invented and the term was coined by the historians of the 19th century and was more elusively used for the Romanesque architecture which was influenced by and retained many gut features of Roman architectural style. The coinage of the term, ‘Romanesque’ has evolved neither from any political nor from any geographic entity. On the contrary, Romanesque name has been coined from its artistic style. The essay intends to examine various subtle and intricate characteristics along with patterns inherent with the art of the Romanesque Europe. The essay also intends to focus on the nature and trajectory of the Romanesque art and culture through the ages. A thorough study of the art precisely from the Romanesque Europe enables the connoisseur of art to trace the highly effective influence of the Byzantine art upon the art of the Romanesque Europe. The iconographic models of the Byzantine art started influencing the Romanesque art rapidly and found profound expression through most commonplace subjects such as paintings on the walls and roof of the churches. Keeping Christ as the omnipotent figure and central subject of painting, the different sequences from the Christ’s life like the last judgment started gaining popularity during this period. The manuscripts during the period became very colorful and new scenes from Bible started making adequate space in the paintings of the period. Moreover, the capitals of columns became more vibrant and the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Phenomenon Assignment 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Phenomenon Assignment 2 - Research Paper Example Managing pain presents itself as a very important challenge to the critical care nurse. Statement of the Phenomenon Pain brings much discomfort to critical care patients and its alleviation is a critical element of critical care nursing. It is, therefore, important that pain is managed effectively. Effective pain management starts with pain assessment (Gelinas, Fillion, Puntillo, Viens & Fortier, 2006). Gelinas (2007) maintained that a patient’s self report is the most reliable and valid measure for identifying pain. Critical care health professionals, however, face the greatest challenge when a patient in the critical care unit is unconscious because of trauma or is unable to talk or move because of the severity of the illness. The phenomenon, therefore, is pain assessment for critically ill patients who are unable to orally communicate, provide a self-report of the pain they are experiencing, or are unable to move and interact with the hospital staff even with just gestures or nods. Pain and Unconsciousness Personally, this author has always wondered if unconscious patients experience physical pain.

Utilitariansim and Dickens Hard Times Essay Example for Free

Utilitariansim and Dickens Hard Times Essay Hard Times offers a critique of the Utilitarian ideology from a romantic perspective. Hard Times demonstrates that one cannot reason oneself to happiness, but that relying solely on the faculties of the mind will not fulfill the complexities of the human being. John Stuart Mills, in his paper Utilitarianism proposed the philosophy is not something to be contradistinguished from pleasure, but pleasure itself, together with exemption from pain; and instead of opposing the useful to the agreeable or the ornamental However, Dickens did not find this harmony to be a possible outcome of the rigidity of logic, but found the imagination to be a more fertile ground for producing happiness. Dickens wrote of utilitarianism as it was applied during British industrialization. In the economic climate of the Industrial Revolution capitalism prevailed and social equality was more rhetoric than practice. Capitalism combined with the philosophy to put an emphasis on the individual achieving his or her own goals, rather than focus on the greater good. Mills did believe in the greater good, but Dickens believed a very logical approach to life would pervert this ideal. Rationalization could overcome virtue by creating mechanical sensibility devoid of caring, which plays an important part in maintaining morals. Throughout Hard Times Louisa expresses apathy towards life when she asks why she should care about important events, even being married. Rather than suspect something is wrong, the other characters believe she is being logical. Such a response is acceptable to them, even though it is an expression of her unhappiness. Through this example Dickens makes the point reason alone is not enough guidance for a human beings happiness. None of the characters that follow the utilitarian lifestyle are truly happy. Only Sissy, who fails to be taught to be so logical, is actually happy. Dickens wrote his characters to express emotion or care after realizing how flawed logic can be when applied to human nature. After Mr. Gradgrind realized how unhappy his fortress of numbers and logic made everyone he was able to save his son from prosecution by the law and support his daughter in leaving an unhappy marriage. The collapse of the marriage he had proposed in  very logical terms for his daughter, Louisa, was what made him realize how rational decisions may not be the best ones. Although Louisas response to the marriage proposal was: Since Mr. Bounderby likes to take me thus, let it be so (p 112). Though Louisa clearly lacked any sentiment commonly enjoyed in marriage, Mr. Gradgrind accepted her response as proper. He later learned the logical response was less correct to such a proposal than an emotional response, which would have lead to a better outcome. After having experienced the affections of someone other than her husband, Louisa realized she could not remain in her marriage. She went to her father and explained to him the error of his beliefs (utilitarianism). How could you give me life, and take from me all the inappreciable things that raise it from the state of conscious death? Where are the graces of my soul? Where are the sentiments of my heart? (p 236). After exposing her unhappiness, Louisa fell to the floor. Dickens used her fall to capitalize the inevitable inapplicability of utilitarianism. (Mr. Gradgrind) saw the pride of his heart and triumph of his system, lying, an insensible heap, at his feet (p 239). Besides the risk of placing what is reasonable above what is human, and thus creating unhappiness, there are other ways in which utilitarianism may go astray. Dickens character Mr. Bounderby exemplifies how striving for happiness can easily be perverted to striving for personal gain. Although he promotes himself as an example of a self-made man who achieved success through industry, he is eventually exposed as having come from a well-to-do family rather than the street. The discovery makes his self-serving airs all the more deplorable. Mr. Bounderby seems to derive all his satisfaction from being a capitalist, which is economically logical, but socially crippling. He is ultimately left by his wife, Louisa, and fires the only woman who ever tolerated him, Mrs. Sparsit, for offending his reputation. Although Mr. Bounderby has many opportunities to do good things and create happiness due to his powerful position, he values only fiscal achievement. He is cold and friendless. Therefore he is a good example of utilitarian principle at its most humanitarianly corrupt. Although Mr. Bounderby claims he is a self-made man, it isnt the truth. Contrary to his claims, Josiah Bounderby was raised in a well-to-do house by a caring mother. In Hard Times it is apparent that despite rhetoric about egalitarianism, the people are governed by very different rules according to class. When a working stiff, Stephen Blackpool asks his employer, Mr. Bounderby for advice on how to obtain a divorce from his alcoholic wife, he is chastised. However, in the same scene it becomes apparent Mrs. Sparsit herself was divorced, but only thanks to her social status and wealth. Bounderby is angered Blackpool should even think of himself as having such liberties. The scene represents the disempowered situation of the lower class. Blackpools employer reminds him he has no rights and immediately expresses concern he will next want more workers rights. At points like this Dickens makes turn of the 19th century Britain seem almost feudal. Charles Dickens uses Hard Times to criticize the newly industrial Britain for losing touch with humanity by suppressing imagination and emotion and allowing social inequality to persist, despite the technologically modernizing society. Hard Times does a beautiful job of embodying exactly what Dickens is afraid utilitarianism will destroy, an imaginative, rich invention. The book contrasts an enjoyable piece of literature against the severity of the politics discussed within the story. Citations Dickens, Charles. Hard Times. Modern Library. 2001. Mills, John Stuart. Utilitarianism.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Reebok Company Introduction

Reebok Company Introduction REEBOK was founded in 1890 and its U.K based company and it was founded JOSEPH WILLIAM FOSTER, it started to make the running shoes and it was started as family business and then 1958 it came to U.S and today it is running successful throughout the world and making the shoes ad mostly now it enter in the sport area and most of the sport man wear this shoes especially most of cricket player use their shoes especially most of cricket player use their shoes and their shoes are open every where in world and its international brand and in 1981 REEBOK is $1.5 million and the next increase dramatic and it available near about 170 countries. REEBOK also make the shoes of NBA (National Basketball Association) and in 2022 it entered into the music industry and planning to make shoes of music industry and in 2003 it successful hited its target it started to make shoes for G-Unit Rap Star 50 Cents, because he makes his shoes like G-Unit. At present mostly it make sport shoes and it market rate I great and mostly young people and sports men wear Reebok shoes and people get best value of their money and now walking shoes is more popular and people buy because we know people do walking and exercise and they have their logo I AM WHAT I AM. And the most popular because music like JAY- Z, Daddy Yankee and 50 Cent and sport athletes Allan Iverson, Bonovan Mavabb, Cort Shilling, Icelly Holmes and through it international Value it got most popular as famous Reebok is great and worldwide brand and people used it widely. Procedure I have chosen the following ways to collect required data for my report. 2.1 Interviews: I collect the lot information through interviews that was a small session of questions and answers. I personally went to many marketing managers of different outlet stores like addidas, puma, nike and other related people and gain more knowledge about my project. 2.2 Surveys: I did many surveys for collecting required data related to my project. In surveys I met many group of persons and they provide enough amount of information. 2.3 Observations: I involved many observations and learned more about my project. Observations provide me insight about specific people or events which is useful for my project. Findings Business Demographics Demographics are very important aspect of sports planning in matching the sports with the market. Advertisers often define their target market in terms of demographics. Each demographic category is broken down by the various research companies according to its characteristics. There are many networks for effective communication: Reebok is using star topology for effective communication where every computer is connected to one server. They are sharing a same network for effective communication. By using this technology, they can send Emails, faxes; files etc, Apart from this they can make calls as well to other person. It is very effective and reliable service to use. They can also do video conferencing with their clients and their own departments. Organizational goals They are using advance technology to achieve their set goals and to gain the customers satisfaction. They also know that what the customer need and how to give the customer what they want. It means that Organization seeks to achieve by its existence and operation. Goals are predetermined and describe future results toward which present efforts are directed. Their few important goals are explained below: 3.2.1 Official Goal: Their purpose is to give the organization a favourable public image, provide legitimacy, and justify its activities. 3.2.2 Operative Goal is to reflect the actual intention of an organization. They describe the concrete steps to be taken to achieve the organizations purpose. 3.2.3 Connection: One of the goals is make genuine connection with customers and give them best and comfortable service. 3.2.4 Physical and financial resources: Renovating and maintaining equipment is important in the long run for an organization. Increasing cash flow is often important for new ventures. 3.2.5 Profitability: This is usually expressed as a percentage and should always be positive. Organizational culture and ethics: Reebok have their stores in different countries and in different region they have got daily so many people to commutate with them and they have trained staff to talkie with them. Because they did not want any language barrier in the sales Reebok have their regular customer which is buy their things from the reebok store and they have lot of trust on brand and quality and they buy there thing with any words If we talk about the how the managed the communication they have there trained staff like one store in south Africa and any person come to buy it they will talk with them in African language and try to improve their sales make the costumer happy and if on some store any English man come and they have the staff who can speak English and deal with costumer. Reebok itself have the great culture it is one of the great brand of the world .it back ground from the English country but now it is in every country of the world and look forward it expand its business that they can create their name on worldwide. In whole word they also deal with costumer very greatly with any communication barrier and give them best deals as it can possible .they have a net work through which they communicate with their own and try to solve the problem of the people .because the have there own factories and through this they gain the trust of the people and they have some costumer which have blind trust upon their product and they will buy only the REEBOK product this show how much trustful ground Reebok have and how people are coming to buy it is people are crazy for their brand and push them to make new product and REEBOK also try to make their costumer happy and give them best deals MANAGEMENT OF KNOWLEDGE RESOURCES: it mean the practices and experiences which they have done in the organization and most important thing is they give the training and give them regular experiences because they promote their works from one post to another and give them chances to learn the new thing and they did not put the pressure on the worker. That he or she not able to show their skills and at different level they will gain the experiences from there senior which help them a lot . We can follow step which ensure the communication of the knowledge to each individual. There following steps. 1 gathering of the data- main function is the gathering the data from various resources. This can be gathered from the records of the industry or the company or from the survey. 2 organizing after that we have to arrange the data in the proper form. So that each individual who access the data can do easily. There are many ways to do that cataloging, indexing, and linking the systems in the organizations. 3 refining after that a organization have to refine the data and update the data, with in a specific time frame. To remove all the faults and vagueness from the data. Mining, projecting are some of the ways to do that. 4 disseminating- after the database has been prepare it has to share throughout the organization. It can be follow from top to bottom or reverse of that. Induction program, training are main ways. GROUP DYNAMICS: Group dynamics is relevantly new studies in the field of management. The ways group interact in the organization directly affect their work. These group can be formulate from regions believe, sociology believes. T his is very important for a company to understand that why these groups formulate and how they work. By knowing that a company can encourage those people to work more affective and give better rumination. If there good communications in those groups management can take the advantage the situation and communicate to the top leader the message follow through the group with any objections. If there is any conflict between the organization and the group, these can be easily shorted out. No doubt group can be complicates as well, but if they are managed well they can be very helpful. Internal dynamics conflicts- in the group if there conflict between two group members. These conflicts can easily seen address very fast. Group leader can call them and ask them individual. Internal dynamic, and make a sure that group must work by helping each other. External dynamics conflicts- problem with the organization and some problem with top level management problem with is the groups and not looking work properly and did not have a idea what to do with is the organization. Meeting management Meeting management can be little complex some for a normal employee. A proper structure and method all ways help employee to approach the management. There should be popper level of communication and it must be in popper flow from top to bottom. It must be in popper channel goes to each and every one. It can be done written from or verbal from it must go in different levels and till reaching the bottom level it must remain same it would not be change and it must be clear that each and every can understand easily. If employee wants to meet his manager he must tell his supervisor and then he can meet. If supervisor did not listen the them then they can go directly go to manger and meet. There should be management by walking around because if anybody have problem they can directly tell the manager. By regular meeting can improve the better level of communication and improve the skills of the organization and every remain touch with each other and can improve organization with meeting we can make control on the organization. meeting also solve the conflicts and problem which may cause by the miss understanding within each other meeting help a lot to solve this type of problem. Meeting are great way to solve all the problem. Meeting must be done at regular and in effect way. in meeting every one person should be present there and take full part in meeting and make use of it . STAKEHOLDERS: Stakeholders are those people who have invested there money in the organization. These people have their trust in the management so its very important to communicate to them and tell them all the necessary things. Communication should be done in professional way, organizing the meeting. Written communication can be a long experience but which is very important to be done. Phone is another way of communication identify the all stakeholder- first before anything identify all the main stakeholder like customers, suppliers, local communities Priorities the stakeholder- we have to make sure the company invite all the main effective persons. Not only those people who can make loud demands. Identify communication requirement for each stakeholder groups- If is there any requirement by the local government and local trust should be considered PLAN AND PROBLEM: any decision taken by the trust or government should be implemented by the management and it not be only in the papers and it should me take serious and management must be make it sure and it must be done at all the levels and it must be done by every man the organization .because stake holder are the main part of the company because they have invest the money in that company. And they look for good out come of there money and company also support them. NETWORK: Networking is one of the important part of business because with networking people remain touch with each other and make good use of the business and most of business work is done by networking . Networking can be done in many in many ways like through phones and emails ,video calls, voice calls and letters and repots and so many other ways .By this way we can keep our business at high and remain touch with every one with the help of net working we take the ideas of so many people and make use for the company and look forward to grow the company. half of business is done by networking and it can be done world widely. because through video conference company manger can do the meeting he may sitting in the any part of world and make the good use of networking. This is also show that how IT is used in business and how effectively make the use IT .because with the help of IT networking business are growing day by day. Through networking we can save or time traveling cost and we can also save man power which is more important . Without networking business cannot be possible and networking is just like backbone of the business without networking we cannot able to run a smooth and effective business. so networking is most important for a business . Conclusions : In the end we can say that with help of all these things we can run business successfully and can gain the profit in the business. So that we have to look after all this things and make good use of all the things. At the end, in my report, I saves money and time using a sample strategy. I got the knowledge from various sources like interviews, surveys and personal meetings with managers of company and explained all business communication of company in my report. References:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Risk Essay -- essays research papers

(1) The following study discusses the risk & resilient factors in the life of Pauline, a 16 year old NZ European/Maori teenager. These factors involve her family life and its importance to her: the value of education and the consequences of leaving school without qualifications; how activities such as church participation can be helpful and the problems involved with having nothing to do; the effects of substance abuse; early sexual involvement and its risks; the risk of suicide, suicide attempts & ideation. The likely impacts of all of these factors on her current & future health status will be considered. Key words or concepts: resilience or protective factors: is factors that buffer young people from risks & promote positive youth development. Risk behaviours: dangerous behaviour that involves a threat to health & well being adolescence: the developmental period between childhood and adulthood mentor: someone whom the young person can trust connectedness: feeling cared for, close to and enjoying either family, school or an adult mentor. The study will follow the format using the HEADSS framework. This was d evised in 1972 by Eric Cohen, a Specialist in adolescent medicine in Los Angeles. It is a method used to interview & assess young people & is an acronym for the following; - (H) home environment (E) education & employment (A) activities & interests (D) drugs (S) sexuality (S) suicide   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (2) Home Pauline has a number of risk and protective factors happening for her in her home situation. Until the age of three years she was the focus of her own two parents. At the age of sixteen she is positioned between her Father’s new family of a partner & three very young children (who Pauline lives with) and her Mother, partner and their two young children. She has expressed dissatisfaction regarding her irregular contact with her Mother who lives in another town. Early attachment in childhood sets the stage for acting out behaviours in adolescence (Brennan 1993). Pauline clearly felt nobody cared for her, that her Father was more interested in her stepmother and children, she felt this so strongly it led her to running away from home. She was at risk... ...bsp;(9) Summary This study indicates risk factors for Pauline including an unhappy home situation with her Dad’s new family where she has felt nobody really cared whether she was there or not, her unsatisfying relationship with her Mother, her alcohol binging, cigarette smoking & marijuana use, her limited activities, dropping out of school at a young age, early sexual involvement and low mood. Protective factors bringing some resilience to her life include adult trust with her Aunt Sarah and Tutor, awareness of her iwi links and whanau contact, her enjoyment and regular attendance to at Alternative Education and her goal of wanting to stay there until she gets a job, recent enjoyable church involvement, her ability to learn from situations and wanting to make positive changes in her life. The likely outcomes for Pauline’s health are hopeful but the significant concerns that could tip the equilibrium are firstly the early onset in her life of a relationship with Jack and their sporadic condom use, as a probable outcome for Pauline is pregnancy and wanting to keep the baby, and secondly her alcohol, marijuana and nicotine use and the level of addiction that may have built up.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Anorexia Nervosa :: essays research papers

Websites promoting anorexia, created by anorexics themselves, are of growing concern. The Eating Disorders Association estimates there are an estimated ten million women and one million men suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive eating in the US alone. Pro-Anna sites are helping to give incentive to sufferers to throw up their last meal and to reinforce their 500-calorie-a-day diet. These so-called clubs may not cause anorexia but they encourage members to lose weight and avoid recovery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first website I visited was called â€Å"Ana Angel 112 († I found this website through Yahoo by typing in â€Å"pro anna.† The opening page of this site declares that it is a pro-anna site and that anyone who was not anorexic must leave. A 19-year old girl named Kristen who is 5’7† and weighs 145 pounds created this site. She started this site for motivation to reach her ideal weight of 112 pounds and a size four figure. There have been 1914 visitors to this website.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As I clicked my way through each page of this site, I was astonished to see all the strategies mentioned to lose weight. For instance, the 2-4-6-8 Plan consists of a five day plan where one would intake 200 calories on day one, 400 calories on day two, 600 calories on day three, 800 calories on day four, and between 900 and 100 calories on day five. This was especially striking to me because the thought of someone eating only two hundred calories a day is sickening. There was also a page of tips that includes the advice to â€Å"start a pro-anna website this way, you have to stick to your convictions, or else be hypocritical.† I found the tips to be very smart. The ways this girl gets around eating her food and the small things she does to lose weight seem very planned out. However, in the same effect, I find it sad that her life is consumed with how and what she eats, or doesn’t for that matter. There were no pictures or chat rooms in this site. Kri sten did encourage that people submit their thoughts by e-mail.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second website I found through Yahoo was When I first opened the page I found pictures of beautiful models, all of which were extremely thin. The text on the screen included â€Å"6 Minutes in the Life of an Ana.† It was so heartbreaking to read that all of the six minutes were consumed on her weight and how others looked.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Play Station 3 Essay

Play Station 3 is the best multimedia console out so far. Such multimedia contents include a Blu- ray player, a HD DVD/ DVD player, a CD, and a Super Audio Cd Player. Some models of the PS3 Have something in them called the EMOTION CHIP, which is a fancy term for being able to play PS2 games, but all models have the ability to play PS1 games. As far as Graphics go the PS3 has the ability to display up to and over 550 MHz. You might be wondering what the hell is MHz( MEGA Hertz), well MEGA Hertz is Graphics card in the hardware of the PS3. MEGA Hertz or ant type of Hertz is a type of processor that gives the system the ability to display hundreds, thousands, or even millions or billions of pixels per second. capable of displaying over 65 HD frames per second. All of this graphics can’t be displayed on even the most recent computers, this is the most MHz’s out in any gaming console EVER!. The Connectivity of this console is outstanding, stellar, excellent! This awesome console can have a blue tooth headset, Six axis controller, and a Dual Shock 3 controller connected to the system wirelessly. Up to 4 Six axis, or Dual Shock 3 controllers connected to the system simultaneously, but that is the hardware speaking: more connectivity includes Cables such as the HDMI cable. Now the HDMI cable is for the best sound, picture, and quality when hooked up to an HD Tv, now if you don’t have an HD Tv but you have a Tv with 480i, or 720, and or 1080p, not 1080i, you can just go to Game stop to purchase a audio/video out with a high quality switch. A regular A/V cable for NSTC Tv s   comes with the product. The PS3’s hardware is very complex with a lot of the newest hardware used in most recent Computers, Hardware include a slot-loading 2x speed Blu- ray Disc drive for Games, DVD, BD DVD, CD’s, PS2/PS1 format games and Super audio CD’s. Plus a new IBM-designed CELL Microprocessor as its CPU. Graphics in hardware handled by the NVIDIA RSX ‘Reality Synthesizer’, which is used to support High Definition. Build in memory: 256 MB of XDR and 256 of GDDR3 video memory for the RSX. The system also has Bluetooth 2.0, Ethernet connectivity port, USB 2.0 and HDMI 1.3a. The PS3’s system hardware has been used for Super computer for High-Performance Computing, and WI-FI networking. PS3 owner will be able to use other operating systems besides XMB because Linux is pre-installed.   And thats why I think the PS3 is much much better than the XBOX 360!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

IOP on Glass, Eyes, and Doll’s Essay

Imagery; vivid descriptive language that appeals to one or more of the senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). The first impression of a person that someone gets will always color the image of the person. Everything about how someone looks and acts creates how that person is viewed by others. But when this image is controlled by others or the person just isn’t strong enough to show their true self, their identity is twisted into something almost unrecognizable. Henrik Ibsen, Zora Neale Hurston, and Tennessee Williams use the imagery connected with their lead female characters to show how society tries to put individuals down with false generalizations to hide women’s identities. The authors use the imagery of clothing to address how family members try to mold the women below them in power to their image of their character. For the Sternberg’s fancy dress ball Torvald want’s his wife Nora to dress up, â€Å"†¦ and Torvald wants me to go as a Neapolitan fisher-girl,†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Ibsen 37). The Neapolitan fisher girls are girls from Naples, Italy often thought of as possessing a very classic Grecian beauty. These fisher girls have been subjects of many works of art such as paintings and statues. With Torvald making Nora dress up as a Neapolitan fisher girl he is making her into something beautiful and to be appraised like a piece of art. This image of Nora being beautiful like a painting is Torvald’s way of putting Nora beneath him. He dresses her up and parade’s her among their friends while all the while taking ownership of her beauty. Nora doesn’t get to choose what she wears to this ball and she is not recorded say ing a word to anyone at the party. Torvald even commands Nora to leave the party after she has finished her dance as he doesn’t want anyone being near her. Nora’s identity is lost in the imagery of her Neapolitan fisher-girl costume and Torvald’s control of her dress. By the same token Janie in Their Eyes Were Watching God is forced to wear head rags by her husband Joe. â€Å"The business of the head-rag irked her endlessly. But Jody was set on it. Her hair was NOT going to show in the store,† (Hurston 55). The imagery of Janie’s head-rags suggests that she is Joe’s property. Janie’s hair is her personal symbol of power,strength, and identity. Joe by making Janie cover her hair up in head-rags is symbolically stifling Janie’s power and identity. Without her individuality Janie is nothing but what Joe makes out of her, which is his wife. And society too will only see Janie’s image as Joe makes her image to be . Laura from The Glass Menagerie is also suffered to a similar fate as Nora and Janie as her mother forces her to wear chest enhancements. â€Å"‘Now take a look at yourself. No, wait! Wait just a moment- I have an idea!’ Amanda produces two powder puffs which she wraps in handkerchiefs and stuffs in Laura’s bosom. ‘Mother, what are you doing? They’re called gay deceivers! †¦ I won’t wear them!’ â€Å" (Williams 120). Similarly the imagery of the powder puffs implies that Laura is the perfect young woman that Amanda invisions of her. With Amanda putting the powder puffs down Laura’s dress she is trying to envision Laura as a perfect young woman. But Laura just is not this perfect girl who everyone loves and adores like Amanda wants to see Laura as. The imagery of Laura’s deceivingly good figure signifies that people will perceive her as a perfect young woman. Nora and Janie’s imagery of the past and their memories is used against them to paint false images of their identities. Near the end of the play, Torvald has just found out of what Nora had done in the past to save him and utters this simple and resonant statement, â€Å"And I must sink to such miserable depths because of a thoughtless woman!† (72). With this sentence Torvald is making Nora seem like a terrible woman who is mindless to any thought of her husband. Even though much earlier in the play Nora tells Mrs.Linde that she only borrowed money so that her husband wouldn’t die from his illness. Torvald just judges Nora’s image by her actions, not the motives behind her actions. And this paints an entirely false image of Nora as being thoughtless and uncaring about her husband. When in any case Nora was just looking out for her husband, being anything but thoughtless and uncaring. The Victorian society Nora lives in is also as cruel to someone in her position. It goes without saying that the man is always the one to handle the money and the well being of the family. And by Nora borrowing money by herself she is breaking the rigid gender roles that their society has set in place for women. So society will also look down on Nora as a disgraceful woman because of her past actions. Janie is in a similar situation when coming home from the Everglades is judged by her neighbors. â€Å"They passed nations through their mouths. They sat in judgement. Seeing the woman as she was made them remember the envy they had stored up from other times. So they chewed up the back parts of their minds and swallowed with relish,† (1-2). The people of Eatonville, especially the women had always been jealous of the attention Janie had gotten from men for her looks. And with the knowledge that Janie had ran off with a younger man in the past the people think of Janie as a absurd fool. But they don’t know that Janie with all her suffering and joy that she lived through is incredibly wise. The imagery of Janie’s actions or more so the memory of her actions, has the people of her community believing that Janie is nothing more than a lost old woman, falling for the false love of a young man. Janie’s individuality as a woman who is wise and has lived through many tough times is taken away from her as Eatonville reduces her to just a love sick woman. Hurston, Williams, and Ibsen use the imagery of objects to display how people on the outsides of the characters lives perceive them and their individuality. When Jim is over at the Wingfields apartment Laura is telling of how much she loves the unicorn from her glass menagerie. â€Å" You see how the light shines through him? †¦ I shouldn’t be partial but he is my favorite one†¦ Haven’t you noticed the single horn on his forehead? †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (143-144). The imagery of Laura’s favorite glass ornament, the unicorn, represents how people in society see Laura. Like the unicorn which light shines through, Laura’s disposition and identity is completely see through. Every facet of her personality is easy to see as she is but a incredibly shy and timid girl. Laura’s love for the unicorn is because of it’s peculiarity of the horn that separates him from the other glass horses in her collection. The imagery of this unique glass unicorn represents Laura’s own individual separation from other girls. Everyone notices that Laura is uniquely different, like her glass unicorn she loves so much.In the same way as the unicorn describes Laura, the Christmas tree in the Helmer’s home describes Nora. â€Å"Hide the Christmas tree carefully Helen. Be sure the children do not see it till this evening, when it is dressed †¦ And what is in this parcel? No no! you mustn’t see that until this evening,† (5 & 7). The image of the splendid and elusive Christmas tree in A Doll’s House expresses how Nora’s identity is seen by the society around her. The Christmas tree serves the function as an ornament in the household and Nora just like the tree is ornamental in the home. She doesn’t take care of the children, or have a job, she just decorates and dresses up for the people of the house as well as the visitors. And as a decoration Nora isn’t able to voice her own opinion or let her identity shine through the pretty things that accessorize her. Nora’s identity is hidden away throughout the play and as the Christmas tree is hid from the children, Nora’s dress is hidden from Torvald so he will not see her. Nora’s identity is hidden from not only the people she knows but also the one’s she is closest to. She is not able to be herself as society shuns Nora’s true identity, as the loving wife she is that would do anything for her husband, such as borrow money without his consent so he can live. Janie is also in Laura and Nora’s situation as the people in her community judge her actions and therefore her identity because of her hair. â€Å"What dat ole forty year ole ‘oman doin’ wid her hair swingin’ down her back lak some young gal?† (2). Just like the two women in the other pieces of literature, the image of Janie’s long hair is utilized by Hurston to show how Janie’s community in Eatonville doesn’t recognize Janie’s true identity. The women on the porch mention that Janie looks like a foolish old woman with her hair all the way down her back like some young woman. The women of Eatonville think Janie is trying to be like a young woman as she has run off with a young man and is now coming back with her hair no longer tied up. This is not the true image of Janie as she is not trying to be a young woman. After all the life that Janie has experienced she keeps her hair down to show that she no longer cares what people in society think of her. But the image of her loose hair to the rest of her society is of a very rebellious and foolish old woman. They want to see her as a married woman being under the thumb of her husband and not as herself. Even though now Janie is trying to show her true identity the community won’t accept that and is blinding themselves by only focusing on her hair to critique Janie in the way they want to think of her. The three authors use the imagery of speech to the character to shape their false identity in the eyes of their family. One day in the store Joe get’s frustrated with Janie’s poor job at cutting some tobacco and insults her about her age. â€Å"A woman stay round uh store till she get old as Methusalem and still can’t cut a little thing like a plug of tobacco!† (78). The image of Methuselah that Joe says to describe Janie is used to show how Joe and Eatonville see Janie when she is in the store. Methuselah is a man from the Bible that is known to be the oldest person to ever live. The allusion to this character is said by Joe to make Janie feel like she is so old that she is ancient. It insults Janie and her character, making her seem old and inefficient for not being able to cut a plug of tobacco after all the time she spends in the store. Eatonville after hearing what Joe has spoken of Janie can see her as an elderly woman who still can’t do simpl e chores around the store. In a likewise manner Amanda says some harsh words to Laura for dropping out of business college and hiding it from her. â€Å"You did all this to deceive me, just for deception? †¦ We won’t have a business career- we’ve given that up because it gave us nervous indigestion! †¦ barely tolerated spinsters living upon the grudging patronage of sister’s husband or brothers wife!† (93-94). In the same way Amanda’s image placed on Laura when she learns she dropped out of business college in secret is used by Williams to show that Amanda see’s Laura as a weak girl with no identity to her. The image of Laura is that she is a fragile girl with little to no way to support herself having left the one opportunity she had to make a future for herself. The imagery of Amanda’s words that Williams writes twists the picture of Laura into a thoughtless and selfish girl, not thinking about anything but her own personal desires. But her identity is not as a thoughtless girl but as a shy and caring young woman. She is seen as continually concerned for her brother, but still throughout most of the play Amanda see’s Laura as being just self involved. The false image of Laura as being self absorbed is enforced by the imagery of Amanda’s harsh words about dropping out of business college. In opposition to Janie and Laura, the pet names Torvald uses for Nora as terms of endearment are actually very insulting terms to her. â€Å"Is my little squirrel come home? †¦ The same little featherhead! †¦ Come come my little skylark, †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (6-7). Comparably Torvald’s words to Nora are suppose to be endearing but with the knowledge of what the animals are is used to paint an unflattering picture of Nora. Squirrels are animals with very small brains and that are generalized as being unintelligent. A featherhead isn’t an animal, but it is implying that Nora’s head isn’t filled with a brain, but is instead filled with feathers. Nothing substantial t hat she can actually make her own thoughts with. Torvald with this term of endearment is suggesting that Nora doesn’t have a brain but just feathers in her head. Furthermore a skylark is a bird that nests on the ground, then being easily destroyed and that are not very distinctive in coloring. This name makes Nora seem plain and foolish. With these pet names of animals that are ordinary Torvald through the imagery of his words is insinuating that Nora is plain and not very bright. Torvald is also putting himself above Nora with his words. He is making it seem like he is the all important person of the house and that he is better than Nora because he is intelligent. Nora’s individuality is taken away from her with Torvald putting above himself and putting her in the background. Nora has no identity when she is with Torvald as he puts her so below himself that he doesn’t believe she can be herself. Tennessee Williams, Henrik Ibsen, and Zora Neale Hurston use the imagery in their works associated with their lead females to portray how society’s views of people is usually false and undermines their individuality. How people are viewed by what they wear, what they own, their past, and what people say to them is a simple way to miss a person’s true identity. These generalized views are easily broken apart when evidence of people’s character is put forward, and this is what get’s society into trouble. These three authors aren’t just writing literature, they are making a statement on how society works. Including how society is wrong and how generalizations about types of people need to be broken in the collective minds of the people so every person is seen as themselves and not as a stereotype. To give everyone their own voice without being prejudged by society’s absurd expectations.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of the different economic types

Advantages and disadvantages of the different economic types What is economics? Economics is the study of the forces of supply and the demands allocate deficient resources. Economics is divided into microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics is something doing with the behavior of firms, consumers, and also about the role played by the government. Macroeconomics is more to inflation, industrial production, unemployment and the role played by the government. Microeconomics is the study about the behavior of small economics unit, for an example, individual consumers or households. Microeconomics is behavior of individual units. Microeconomics main concern is about the factors that affects an individual economics choice. Other than that, economics also can be said as branch of social science that can read the production distribution and the consumption of goods and service. Economics also include scarcity, choice, households, goods and productions as a definition. Economics system are studies of the method and institution where societies determine about the ownership, direction and allocation of economics. There are three types of economics system; Socialist system is a system that can be defined as a centrally planned or can be said as command economics. This system is fully controlled by the government. All the choice about resources are all made by the government. Capitalist system means free market economics. This system is like a freedom economy. This is because of the decisions made by the people. This system is mainly about the people in the country. Mixed economy Mixed economy is an economy based on the free enterprise principle. There is still some form of direct intervention and it is controlled by the government. Mixed economy can be said as a form of organization where both capitalist economy and socialist economy are found. In mixed economy there is the presence of private economic freedom with centralized planning and the common goal of avoiding the problems which comes because of capitalism and social ism. In the mixed economy system the main authorization of the economic activities are mainly by the governmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s regulation and the licensing policies. For an example, if someone wants to open a business, they must register and take license from the government for that particular business. So in this way, the government becomes a big power in the country. Mixed economy is also known as dual economy. In a mixed economy, the government runs things as post office, libraries, hospital and many more. Even when there is an industry which is not run by the business, still government get taxes and regulation like wage controls. Most of the people all over our country have no problem with the government take control of things like highway construction, birth certificate, national service economy may seem to be very easy as it is but there are some disadvantages in mixed economy also. The biggest disadvantage is between the public and private sector because they easily get b lurred or sometimes shift one way or another from time to time mixed economy usually increase more government control and less individual freedom. This is why mixed economy is always in an evolutionary process.